We often get asked about using Kratom for everything from dextox from illegal drugs and from addictive prescription medication, to how to use it, how much to take, and so on. Here is a typical question: “I was on 120 mg of methadone to get over a heroin and an oxy-contin habit. I have tried to detox from both using methadone but I can’t handle it.”
We have two standard answers for every one of these questions:
1. We’re not doctors and cannot provide any advice for any medical-related issues. If you have questions regarding the interaction of herbal supplements with prescription medication, you must speak to your family doctor. This is even truer when it comes to speaking in relation to illegal drugs; illegal drugs are just that; they are illegal, and we can have no conversations with anyone who is breaking the law by taking or talking about taking illegal drugs.
2. We do not sell Kratom for consumption, and as we state in numerous places on our website, the agreement every customer must digitally sign before being allowed to place an order, as well in this Answer Center, if we think someone may consume any of the products we do not offer for consumption, we will not honor any orders placed by that customer.
We are sorry that we can’t offer a better answer, but it’s our elected officials who create the laws, and the only way to change the laws is to join the fight we engage in on a daily basis, trying to protect our freedom of thought and our right to choose as law abiding adults.
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