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Why Am I Shorted Seeds?

Since we sell many kilos of seeds every month, it would be impossible for us to count every seed we package, especially when we sell quantities of 100 or 500, as well as 1,000 to 3,000 seeds per package.

So, we do our best on the product description to alert our customers that seeds are sold by weight and NOT by number. We offer counts of seeds only as a reference point, to give you an idea of how many seeds you will be getting each time you order. The weight of the seeds never varies, ensuring that if Mother Nature made some larger seeds one time around, and smaller ones the next time; you will see get the exact amount of seeds in weight that you ordered, every time you order.

Of course, when it’s a very small amount of seeds (anything under 25), we count every single one to ensure that you’re getting the exact number we advertise, but we also state that as well in our product descriptions.

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