Due to laws in Illionois and many other states, it is illegal for us to sell Salvia divinorum anymore, but we can refer you to our favorite vender for it. BUY SALVIA DIVINORUM from them, and use this coupon here and on their site for FREE SHIPPING. The code is NOSALVIA08, and it’s our gift to you for having to place 2 orders at 2 shops.
We’re sorry the ordering instructions for Salvia divinorum were not clear to you, but all you need to do is click this link to make your purchase for SALVIA DIVINORUM. It will take you to our partner website, and by clicking the link, they will know you came from us, which puts you at the front of the line for getting your order sent out to you as a thank you!
ALSO, so you don’t have to pay double-shipping since you can no longer order Salvia divinorum from us, you can simply place the rest of your order that’s not Salvia with us, using the code NOSALVIA08 for any order over $10.00 at our shop to get FREE SHIPPING!
We adore this plant and hope that it remains legal in as many places as possible. Bodhi, the owner of these shops has a blog which contains his “Salvia Diaries“, where he discusses his many experiences with this sacred plant. Feel free to join the conversation with comments and stories of your own.
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