This is a very good question, with a simple answer: Many people who have worked with or who have mis-used Datura have harmed themselves.
We do not carry products that have clear and verifiable records of causing harm to those who work with the plant. This includes any herbs and plants such as Datura, Mandrake Root, Scottish Broom, and others that have high concentrations of alkaloids such as scopalamine in them. We are not saying that these don’t have a LONG Shamanic use in history; Datura is actually one of the ORIGINAL Shamanistic tools (along with tobacco), and was used across many cultures for initiation into adulthood or spirit quests quite often.
The most common effect we have read about is the fact that if ingested (besides going straight to a hospital to get it out of you), one loses the ability to discern the “dream” world from the “real” world, and this has reportedly led to multiple instances of harm. We take reports such as that very seriously.
We work with all of the plants we choose to offer, BEFORE we offer them, so we know first-hand, what plants we believe in and feel comfortable offering. No one on staff had a positive experience with Datura, and there is a plethora of negative experience reports across the internet in relation to Datura, so, we chose notto offer these products out of a deep desire to keep our customers safe.
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