We completely respect our customer’s rights to privacy, and ship extremely discreetly as a result. Our USA packages are shipped in plain brown manila envelopes for 1st Class shipments, and Priority Mail boxes supplied by the Post Office for all other shipments.
Our return address is our PO Box, and simply states where the package is from:
PO BOX 12618
One of our main goals is to provide you, our treasured customer, with the most comfortable and confidant online shopping experience you can have. We tightly screen orders to ensure that no one under 18 is trying to order from us, we have strict shipping policies about shipping to the cardholders name and billing address, as well as several other measures that protect your privacy, and ensure packages get sent exactly where they are meant to be sent.
We are also a fully licensed corporation, and run our business to the strict letter of the law. Our highly qualified legal team has taken extensive measures to ensures that (unlike other venders we have found on the internet who leave themselves susceptible to customer lists being compromised or confiscated); we never have to worry about absolutely anyone getting their hands on any of our customer’s information.
This is the same with e-mail addresses as well; we never sell, rent, distribute, or otherwise do anything with your e-mail address other than use it to send you notifications in relation to your order…period.
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