Even though we are swamped with orders, we process orders within 1-24 hours. USPS Express/FedEx will get your package to you next day if your order is placed before 3:00PM CST, and within 2 business days if it’s placed after 3:00PM CST or placed on a Friday or Saturday. On rare occasions, depending on your town, Express is sometimes a 2-Day Delivery.
If we ship on the day we state we will ship, you are not entitled to a refund if your town was included in one of these 2-Day shipping exceptions.
Priority Mail gets you your order 1-4 days after you place your order, depending on your location, and heavier order will automatically switch to FedEx Ground unless you specifically request Priority and agree to additional shipping charges. Please note that Priority Mail is NOT a guaranteed delivery date service like Overnight Express via FedEx. There are times when your package may take up to a week to get to you.
International Air is less exact, but typically gets to you within 7-10 days, though it has taken as long as 30 days to some places when the package is uninsured or unregistered. We also can’t guarantee unregistered international packages.
We regularly ship worldwide, but cannot be responsible for packages that are shipped Internationally WITHOUT Insurance, Registered Mail, or via Global Express. (Customs has sometimes has a way of making packages disappear.) Choosing Registered Mail has a 100% delivery rate for our packages so far, and we also offer 100% guarantee for the safe arrival of your package with Registered/Insured Mail and we will replace it.
Also, take comfort in the fact that you are always covered by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If your FedEx Express, your Priority Mail, or your Registered/Insured international package doesn’t get to you within 2 weeks for USA packages, or 4 weeks for international packages, we will re-ship your package to you, the moment we determine that the package did, in fact, not get delivered.
Please note that for customers who have Signature Releases on file with FedEx; we are NOT responsible for lost packages, or packages left at your door. Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee only covers signed packages sent via FedEx Express.
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