We know it can be easy to get anxious when awaiting a package from an online company, but please remember that you chose an UN-insured, UN-registered, NON-guaranteed option, so it may take up to several weeks for your order to arrive, and there is no tracking information available for it. Our Shipping Policies page explains everything in vivid detail.
That’s also exactly the reason why we we offer a Registered/Insured option for just a few dollars more. It gives you complete protection under our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, so if a package does not arrive within a few weeks, we send a replacement out with no questions asked. Almost all UN-insured, UN-registered packages DO get to their destinations, but we have no way to track them once they leave our hands. Packages sometimes take longer than expected, and some international destinations have taken up to 4 weeks to get packages to our customers, but we have no control over anyone’s Customs or Postal departments.
If you have any trouble or questions, please don’t hesitate to e-mail us back.
Hopefully all will be well, and you will see your package in the near future.
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